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  • 02 Dec 2014 7:00 AM | Anonymous

    Author: Gene Dixon, ASEM President

    Sometimes I just sit and write random thoughts. Right now, I’m in a hotel room, twelve floors above the beach.  It’s a cloudy night.  No stars.  The balcony doors are open.  The sound of the surf brings a feeling of calmness.   On the horizon, the lights of the cargo ship are flashing.  There is the occasional sound of an F35 cutting through the night sky.  It’s the eve of the start of the ASEM 2014 IAC.

    Someone asked me to write a few words for the ASEM blog.  Write whatever comes to mind.  In a few hours, I’ll have a new role in ASEM. Some might call it a leadership role.  I think it is more about an experience in service.

    Leadership.  Sometimes we aspire to it. Sometimes we might be forced into it.  Sometimes we might be elected to it.  Sometimes we just act our way into in.

    If there was a potion for creating leaders, would engineering managers ever use it?   Why would they expect a potion to do what only the tempering of experience can do?  Experience is the beginning of leadership.  Experience is the one true method for leadership development.

    Leadership is a process that is composed of leaders, followers and purpose.  A system of actions and reactions.  A system of interactions.  Like sharpening a saw, developing leadership within an organization is an interactive process of leader and follower interacting to achieve a goal, a reason, a purpose.  Maybe it involves providing a service to someone, for someone?

    ASEM leadership is like that.  So many volunteer leaders and followers.  Members having a desire to move this society into an international voice for engineering managers everywhere.  Members who want to provide a service to practitioners, to students, to faculty.  Or for each one of those.  Practitioners and academics, students and mentors, theorists and users all coming together to provide value to ASEM, to their employers, to their institution and to themselves. Leadership development through service and experience in a professional society.  Service that adds value to present members and members yet to come.  Experience that teaches and molds and shapes. Members who have been led by other members.  Experience that is shared and gained.

    ASEM is a lot of folks from a lot of places with a diversity of interest bound in a commonality called ASEM.  ASEM is a place with a common core of knowledge focused on strategic management, leadership and organization, and systems of people.  Primarily knowledge workers.  Hard workers.

    ASEM offers opportunities to gain leadership experience.  Be a leader.  Be a follower.  Bring along someone new.  Be ASEM.

    The surf.  The sound of sea coming to shore.  Bringing one side of the world to the other.  ASEM brings us together. In service.  In experience.  In leadership.

    Your leadership development can start with ASEM experiences.

  • 25 Nov 2014 7:00 AM | Anonymous

    Author: Angie Cornelius, ASEM Outreach Director

    The Systems Management and Production (SMAP) Center was established in 1988.  As the largest Center at the University of Alabama in Huntsville(UAH), the SMAP Center provides expertise, leadership, and support to the Army, NASA, other government agencies, as well as several private sector organizations. 

    ASEM now has a building which will be used for onsite training, BoD meetings, and other ASEM activities.  The SMAP Center will provide a team of support which will allow the continued growth of our society.

    About Huntsville: Located in North Alabama, Huntsville has a highly-skilled and highly educated workforce, which according to the Census includes the highest concentration of engineers in the nation.  Employment from the Military, space industry, telecommunications, biotechnology, and diversified manufacturing is a primary draw for the well-educated.

    For more information, please see the UAH SMAP Center Website at If you are ever in town, please visit!

    Looking Toward 2015 - A Small Request

    The Communications Committee had a meeting last week, and we reviewed what we've done with the blog for the past few months and what we would like to see in the future. This is a great time for you - our readers - to chime in and let us know how we're doing.

    Is there something you'd like to see? Maybe you'd like to hear from someone specific or on a topic that is significant to you. Just let us know by commenting below or leaving your ideas through any of our social media outlets. We would really love to have your feedback!

  • 18 Nov 2014 7:00 AM | Anonymous

    Author: Gene Dixon, ASEM President
    Introduced by Tricia Simo Kush, PEM

    The ASEM eNews (another great benefit from ASEM) was sent out earlier this week. Within the content is a note from the 2015 ASEM President, Gene Dixon. I'd like to bring his words here to share with our blog audience.

    Without further ado, here's Gene!

    The ASEM 2014 International Annual Conference was fast-paced, entertaining and educational. Kudos to the ODU host and the technical program committee. If you were there, you know what I mean. If you missed it, I’m surprised.

    At the membership meeting – thought for sure I saw everyone there – we took a quick look at the events of the past 2014. Great things happened. New ASEM World Headquarters. Significant membership growth. Social media hits continue to build. Monthly webinars that add value for members. The EMJ continues to rock on. The international footprint continues to expand. And, the best conference (numbers) ever.

    It’s been “..all good.” to paraphrase outgoing President Beth Cudney.

    And now it’s time for 2015 ASEM. Yep, I meant to say it that way. With a great start in October, the 2015 ASEM is tracking for membership growth, membership value and membership retention.

    And so, we turn to you, the ASEM members, with two questions: 1) In your opinion, what can 2015 ASEM do to promote membership growth, membership value and membership retention; and, 2) what can you do?

    Those questions were asked at the Membership Meeting at the 2014 IAC. And those attending gave some answers. For the first question, there were good, challenging, thoughtful answers. Those answers are cycling through the ASEM Executive Committee’s plans for 2015 already. We’ll be busy. But we won’t be alone. We’ve got you pushing, encouraging, and helping. And we’re glad you are there.

    For the second question, what can you do, the answers were introspective and powerful. Ask colleagues to join in order to gain new members. Volunteer to add value. And challenge every member to renew. Start new student chapters. Build professional sections. There was energy and excitement in those answers.

    And we’re not done. If the 2015 ASEM is to reach beyond the progress 2014, we all need to be engaged for growth, value and retention. United, the 2015 ASEM will be bigger, significant, and experienced.

    And yet, it seems there is more to be considered. What is most important to you? How can ASEM provide value? How can ASEM grow? How can each of you be active and engaged?

    If for some reason you missed the membership meeting at the 2014 IAC your voice is no less important. What can ASEM do to grow the membership, add membership value, and retain members? And what can you do?

    Tell me. Call me. Write me. Let me know what you think. And, sooner is better.

    Gene Dixon
    2015 President, American Society for Engineering Management

    FYI-President Gene Dixon can be reached by phone at 252 7371031 or by email

  • 11 Nov 2014 7:00 AM | Anonymous

    I would like to take a moment to share some news about upcoming and recent ASEM activities. Granted, the association is rather dynamic and there always seems to be a bustle of activity someplace in the organization. For me, it helps to write things down so I don't miss any of the action; your mileage may vary.

    The next ASEM webinar is scheduled for Wednesday, November 19th at 11:00 AM Central Time. The ASEM Executive Director, Dr. Bill Daughton, will be presenting the topic 'ASEM EMBOK and Professional Certification.' As an ASEM member, webinars are free and a great way to keep your Professional Development Units (PDUs) current. This webinar will include the history and evolution of the ASEM Engineering Management Book Of Knowledge (EMBOK), and its relationship to the Engineering Manager Professional Certification (EMPC) program. In Bill's words: "This webinar will be important for anyone considering establishing professional certification as an engineering manager."

    If you are interested in attending, please register here . If you are interested but unable to attend, be sure to check the ASEM store to download a copy of the webinar.

    The other news I'd like to mention is that the conference pictures are uploaded and ready for you to view. You can check out all the fun through the conference website or directly through the ASEM Facebook page. There are a few posts with photos in them, too.

    Just to link the two topics together, be sure to take note your attendance and participation at this year's conference as part of your PDU tracking. If you need more information around PDUs, there's a helpful document that you can find here, with more information available on the ASEM website. You've worked hard for your certification, so don't miss an opportunity to keep your notes up-to-date.


    Tricia Simo Kush is a recently certified Professional Engineering Manager. Her background is in Information Technology with a goal is to take her career to a higher level through Engineering Management. To her, Engineering Management is a fascinating mix of technology and business, people and process. Follow her on Twitter (@TSimoKush) or check out her profile on LinkedIn.

  • 04 Nov 2014 7:00 AM | Anonymous

    Looking back at the 2014 IAC it's a bit easier to notice the many details that were involved in making the conference a success. Every session and activity had people behind the scenes making the event look and feel effortless. As the saying goes, many hands make lighter loads. I suspect that there was a small army involved in making the event so enjoyable.

    So what's next, you may be wondering?Volunteering Icon by Dustwin - This is an icon representing people volunteering.

    ASEM has activities at all levels that happen over the entire year. For example, I have mentioned ASEM committees in earlier blogs. Volunteering on a committee is a great way to learn about what's happening in the organization, as well affect changes in how the association is run.

    If you are on campus - as a faculty member or a student - see if your institution has a student chapter. Getting involved with tomorrow's engineering managers is a terrific avenue for fostering ideas and discussing topics of interest.

    Other ways to become involved include providing time and content for a webinar or a blog post; consider sharing an article or start a conversation at LinkedIn, Google+ or Twitter. If writing in a more formal style is your passion, you can even submit work for the Practice Periodical or the Engineering Management Journal.

    In fact (note to self), it's not too early to think about drafting an abstract for the 2015 IAC.

    The organization is gaining attention worldwide and needs to adapt to the changing conditions. This won't happen overnight or on its own. Your input and contributions will help ASEM remain strong during this dynamic period. Even the smallest suggestion can have value, so don't keep those ideas to yourself. Consider putting your interests to work; together we can all usher ASEM into a bright future.

    "It's where we go, and what we do when we get there, that tells us who we are." - Joyce Carol Oates

    Graphic credit:


    Tricia Simo Kush is a recently certified Professional Engineering Manager. Her background is in Information Technology with a goal is to take her career to a higher level through Engineering Management. To her, Engineering Management is a fascinating mix of technology and business, people and process. Follow her on Twitter (@TSimoKush) or check out her profile on LinkedIn.

  • 28 Oct 2014 8:00 AM | Anonymous
    To me, the most interesting aspect of the ASEM International Annual Conference (IAC) is meeting people. It's always a treat to see folks that you've met at other ASEM functions, or maybe became acquainted with during conference calls. Making new friends is terrific as well. This year the IAC offered a great mix of both new and familiar faces.

    The folks that travel from outside of the United States to attend the IAC always capture my attention. It may be because I love to travel, or simply because I know that it takes a fair amount of time and other resources to travel to the conference. Either way, I always make a point of thanking the international visitors and spending a moment to learn what projects they're working on.

    I first met Geert Letens at the 2013 IAC, though I'm sure that I heard and saw his name earlier than that. He travels to the conference from Belgium, serves on the ASEM board and is the President-Elect, which is rather exciting news for the association. His term as President will truly move the ASEM into international channels.

    He's also very personable and loves to discuss sports and technology, which are my favorite topics.

    Two new friends were introduced to me through their research at the 2014 IAC. As a fan of supply chain, I tend to gravitate towards those presentations, and these presenters had very interesting papers. Of course, that their session was just before mine didn't hurt my chances of meeting them, too!

    Hatice Camgöz-Akdag from Istanbul Technical University presented a case study on Green Supply Chain Management for Electric and Electronic Equipment in Turkey (she was also the Session Chair). The information was compelling, particularly with the efforts to increase participation rates, and I caught up with her afterward to thank her for such an interesting topic. Clearly recycling is a challenge for everyone; her paper highlighted many similarities that are concerns at a global level.

    The other presentations in the session came from Katharina Renken, representing Texas Tech University. She's a transplant from Germany and presented two projects dealing with Emergency Management. One paper discussed an analysis of the supply chain in Emergency Management, while the other discussed RFID Technology within Emergency Management. Both were exciting examples of how lives can be saved by employing engineering skills, and I made sure that she knew how much I enjoyed learning about these topics.

    I also attended a presentation from Simon Philbin, who also chaired his session on R&D and Technology Management. I had a chance to meet Simon at the 2013 IAC Social Event, so it was a good opportunity to say hello and learn more about his current projects. He lives and works in the United Kingdom, and is also the new International Regional Director for ASEM.

    Lastly, I would be remiss if I did not mention Don Kennedy. His presentation at the 2012 IAC was one of the first I attended, and I was left with a strong impression of his work and passion for Engineering Management. He hails from Canada and was named an ASEM Fellow at the 2014 conference. Personally I hope we see more blog posts from him the future. *nudge, nudge*

    Who did you meet or re-acquaint yourself with at the IAC? Share your stories at any of our social media outlets, or post below. If you missed this year's conference, hopefully I've highlighted a great reason to get yourself to Indianapolis for the 2015 AIC!
    Photo credit:


    Tricia Simo Kush is a recently certified Professional Engineering Manager. Her background is in Information Technology with a goal is to take her career to a higher level through Engineering Management. To her, Engineering Management is a fascinating mix of technology and business, people and process. Follow her on Twitter (@TSimoKush) or check out her profile on LinkedIn.

  • 21 Oct 2014 8:00 AM | Anonymous

    By Tricia Simo Kush, PEM

    The 2014 IAC, like so many others, has passed (and rather quickly at that). I cannot believe that just a week ago I was packing, getting ready to board a plane and make my way to Virginia Beach. And never mind what I forgot to bring; while I thought that I had a good idea of what to expect, there are always surprises or activities that completely slip my mind. That's what keeps it fresh and relevant.

    Otherwise, why would we ever attend another conference?

    As nice as it is to see friends and colleagues, it was especially fun to see some familiar faces within the student teams. I mean this sincerely. The conference showcases many student projects that range from papers and thesis submissions to the on-site team case competition. "The Students," as a few of us affectionately refer to them, consistently surprise me with their creativity, focus and the high quality of their work. It's really great to meet them and hear about their projects. (ASIDE: I'd love to bottle that energy and sell it at the registration table.) It's also really interesting to watch "The Students" interact with their advisors and realize just how much care and support that is represented by each institution.

    Yes, I am a bit envious; guilty.

    Granted, I am late to the ASEM dance and did not join as a student member. I recommend membership highly and particularly for students. It's not just the reduced membership rate, but also the exposure to what makes the association and the conferences so interesting. For example, students were present on the tour that I took to the US Navy Base-Norfolk Submarine Learning Facility, which was an amazing experience and is worthy of a blog in itself. They also joined us in the large events (see blog photo from lunch on Friday) and presented their work during the conference.

    I didn't get to peek in on the student competition - that's a no-no - but I'll bet it was interesting and exciting, given the competitors that I met during the conference.

    I'm not trying to write from an 'us-n-them' perspective. I simply didn't take advantage of the opportunities to participate in all of the things that they've accomplished during the conference. Their enthusiasm is contagious and they were always happy mingling with everyone. I enjoyed speaking to them personally and asking about their perspectives on the conference, the association, and their respective programs. It made me think about how I spent my school years... and I realized that they are doing it much more productively than I did.

    I totally missed out and have a lot of ground to regain!

    I encourage every student to reach out and connect with the folks that you met during the conference. Post here - or at another ASEM social media location - and let us know what your thoughts about the conference. Tell us about your upcoming projects and what you might plan to present at the 2015 IAC. Send us a blog to post and share with the association. Connect with us, ask questions and keep in touch.

    All of us at ASEM are very proud of your efforts and - like you - we want to know more!


    Tricia Simo Kush is a recently certified Professional Engineering Manager. Her background is in Information Technology with a goal is to take her career to a higher level through Engineering Management. To her, Engineering Management is a fascinating mix of technology and business, people and process. Follow her on Twitter (@TSimoKush) or check out her profile on LinkedIn.

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