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Council of Engineering Management Academic Leaders (CEMAL)


1. To encourage interest in the field of engineering management and coordinate communication among engineering management academic programs and the American Society for Engineering Management (ASEM).

2. To sponsor activities and meetings among individuals who serve as chairs, directors, and heads of academic programs and units in engineering management and related areas.

3. To discuss engineering management education, curriculum, accreditation, student activities, research, faculty development, certification and other matters with the intent of enhancing engineering management educational programs.

4. To enhance engineering management publications, engage with engineering management professionals, advance the careers of engineering management professionals, foster best engineering management practices, and help the American Society for Engineering Management (ASEM) achieve its objectives of serving the engineering management profession worldwide.

5. To receive and act on recommendations from members.

6. To make recommendations resulting from such activities and discussions to the Board of Directors for the American Society for Engineering Management (ASEM) and to keep the ASEM Board apprised of developments in these areas.

Learn more by reviewing the CEMAL By Laws.

A Note from the CEMAL President

Your participation and input are vital to our success, and I look forward to working closely with each of you to advance our shared goals. Thank you for your continued dedication to engineering management education.

I am honored to step into the role of President of CEMAL and look forward to an exciting year ahead. Please join me in congratulating Patricia Anzalone from the University of South Florida on her election as our new Secretary. Patricia has previously served on the CEMAL board, bringing a wealth of experience to our leadership team. I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to David Wyrick for his outstanding service as President and his continued support as Past-President, and to Ed Pohl for his invaluable contributions as Past-President.

I’d like to focus this year on reevaluating CEMAL and ensuring that our purpose aligns with our needs. As we embark on this new chapter, I am excited to highlight the following for 2025:

1. Member Survey: We will conduct a comprehensive survey to gather your insights and preferences. Your feedback will be crucial in shaping our future direction.

2. Bylaws Update: We will review and update our bylaws to ensure they reflect our evolving goals and needs.

If you know of other engineering management academic leaders, please ask them to join us and help us define the future of our organization. Together, we can achieve great things!

Heather Smith

CEMAL President

University of Wisconsin - Madison

Dave Wyrick, PhD

CEMAL Past President

University of West Virginia

Patricia Anzalone, PhD

CEMAL Secretary

University of South Florida

Participate in CEMAL

Become a member of CEMAL

Write to and request to join the listserv. You will receive a confirmation email and you should reply to it and confirm the request to be added.

Upcoming CEMAL Meetings

    • June 2025: ASEE Conference & Expo in Montreal - hybrid
    • September 2025: ASEM International Annual Conference in Boise, Idaho – hybrid

Join the EM Program List

Complete and submit the form below to have your program listed in our program list.  This comprehensive list should include every type of academic engineering management program, whether it is bachelor’s, master’s, or PhD, everywhere in the world.

CEMAL Bylaws: CEMAL Bylaws 

Are you interested in being part of CEMAL or having your EM Program listed at EM Program List,? If so, please complete and submit the form below.

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