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ASEM Fellow

Nominees who receive majority support from the Fellows are selected as new inductees. No more than five new Fellows are elected in a given year.

 Description/Purpose  Highest level of membership in ASEM.

Candidates must have eight years of continuous membership in ASEM with significant accomplishment in two areas:

  1. Sustained and noteworthy contribution to the Engineering Management profession. For candidates with an industrial background, this includes technical leadership and management of complex technological organizations. For candidates with an academic background, this includes academic program leadership and sustained and meaningful scholarly contributions including journal articles and conference proceedings. 
  2. Contribution to the Society. This encompasses sustained, continuous, and demonstrated service to service and contributions to the Society.
 Nomination Process

This award is given by the Society Fellows. Active Fellows receive a list of eligible candidates from WHQ. The Chair of Fellows solicits nominations including documented credentials from the Fellows in May. Nominations are distributed to the Fellows for consideration. The selection process, led by the Chair of Fellows, should be completed by August 1. The nomination package should contain a detailed nomination letter addressing the criteria and a resume or CV.

 Judging Nominees who receive majority support from the Fellows are selected as new inductees. No more than five new Fellows are elected in a given year. Fellows may vote for none or up to five of the nominees. Only Fellows who are active society members may vote.
 Past Recipients List of past recipients 

Bernard R. Sarchet Award

 Description/Purpose This recognition is considered the highest award given by ASEM. The award recognizes outstanding contributions to the Society and to the field of engineering management.

This award is annually given to an ASEM member who has contributed the most to the Society on a local, national and/or international basis. Nominations can be submitted based on positive contributions in the following areas:

  • National and international promotion of the Society.
  • Advancement of the engineering management (EM) field as a ‘Thought Leader’.
  • Experience in leadership roles in EM and related fields.
  • Publication of technical publications in EM and related fields.
  • Service as a local, national, or international officer, committee member, or board member of the Society.
  • Significant participation in the ASEM International Annual Conference.
  • Contribution to key Society publications, such as the EM Body of Knowledge or EM Handbook.
  • Management and delivery of seminars, workshops, symposia, webinars, training sessions, or other activities related to the work of the Society.
  • Development of new initiatives to advance the strategic objectives of the Society.

 Nomination Process Past President solicits nominations in May. Nominations are submitted by July 15 via the ASEM Online Nomination Form. Award selection is made by August 1.
 Judging Executive Committee selects the award recipient upon recommendation of the Past President.
 Past Recipients List of past recipients
 Nominate Nominate person for the Bernard R. Sarchet Award

 Frank Woodbury Special Service Award

 Description/Purpose This award recognizes an ASEM member who has provided outstanding service to the Society.


This award is given annually to an active ASEM member who has demonstrated proof of continued service excellence to ASEM. Nominations can be submitted based on positive contributions in the following areas:

  • Support of ASEM publications through significant contribution to editorial content (articles, editing, reviewing, etc.).
  • Repeated service as ASEM International Annual Conference session chair, track chair or conference chair.
  • Outstanding service on an ASEM local, national, or international committee.
  • Exemplary contribution to the content of the EM Body of Knowledge, EM Handbook, case studies, or similar EM related technical or practitioner content or product.
  • Repeated development or delivery of ASEM training products or services.
  • Continued promotion of the Society.
  • Recruiting professional members.
  • Recruiting corporate members or sponsors.
     Nomination Process Past President solicits nominations in May. Nominations are submitted by July 15 via the ASEM Online Nomination Form. Award selection is made by August 1.
     Judging Executive Committee selects the recipient and makes the recommendation to the ASEM Board of Directors.
     Past Recipients List of past recipients
     Nominate Nominate person for Frank Woodbury Special Service Award

     Meritorious Service Award

     Description/Purpose These awards were created to recognize the targeted efforts of members of ASEM.

    Four awards exist and include:

    • New Member Recruiting – Any member responsible for recruiting five or more new members in a given calendar year.
    • Outstanding Non-Board Member – Any member who is not currently serving on the ASEM Board of Directors and has contributed outstanding accomplishments to the operation, improvement, and/or awareness of the Society.
    • Outstanding Local Section President – Any local section president who in the course of executing the duties of a local section president, makes outstanding accomplishments to the operation, improvement, and/or recognition of the Society.
    • Outstanding Student Chapter President – Any student section president who while executing the duties of a student chapter president, makes outstanding accomplishments to the operation, improvement, and/or recognition of the Society.
       Nomination Process Past President solicits nominations from the Board of Directors in May. Nominations are submitted by July 15 via the ASEM Online Nomination Form. Selection(s) is made by August 1.
       Judging Executive Committee selects the recipient(s) and makes the recommendation(s) to the ASEM Board of Directors.
       Past Recipients Meritorious Service Award Recipients
       Nominate Nominate person for a Meritorious Service Award

       Founder's Award – Undergraduate - SUBMISSION EXTENDED UNTIL JULY 22.

       Description/Purpose To recognize excellence for undergraduate program delivery in EM and related fields.

      Eligible programs have:

      • An active undergraduate program in engineering management (EM) or related field (e.g., technology management).
      • Demonstrated contributions to undergraduate education and practice in EM and related fields.
      • Recommendations from stakeholders outside of their institution, including employers, alumni and industry.
      • Other significant achievements related to undergraduate program leadership in EM and related fields.
       Nomination Process

      Past President solicits nominations in May. Nomination packets must be emailed to ASEM headquarters by July 15 . Award selection is made by August 1. Nomination packets must include:

      • Brief description of the undergraduate engineering management program (program title, program initiation date, degree offered, etc.)
      • The number of undergraduate degrees awarded per year for the past three academic years.
      • Contributions to engineering management education (number of conference papers, number of journal articles, initiatives to advance engineering management education – to include funded projects).
      • Contributions to engineering management practice (number of conference papers, number of journal articles).
      • Three letters of recommendation from stakeholders outside academe.
      • Other significant achievements of the undergraduate program.
       Judging Past President provides nomination packages to the Board of Directors. The voting members of the Board will select the winner of this award by vote. The winning program must receive a majority of the votes cast. A run-off vote will be taken if no majority occurs on the first vote.
      Past Recipients Founders Award – Undergraduate Recipients
      Nominate Nominate undergraduate program for the Founder's Award

       Founder's Award – Graduate SUBMISSION EXTENDED UNTIL JULY 22.

       Description/Purpose  To recognize excellence for graduate program delivery in EM and related fields.

      Eligible programs have:

      • An active graduate program which offers a graduate degree in engineering management (EM) or a related field (e.g., technology management).
      • Demonstrated contributions to graduate education in EM or related field.
      • Demonstrated contributions to practice in EM or related field.
      • Recommendations from stakeholders outside of the institution, including employers, alumni, and industry.
      • Other significant achievements related to graduate program leadership in EM or related field.

       Nomination Process

      Past President solicits nominations in May. Nomination packets must be emailed to ASEM headquarters by July 15. Award selection is made by August 1. Nomination packets must include:

      • Brief description of the graduate program in EM or related field (program title, program initiation date, degree awarded, etc.)
      • The number of graduate degrees awarded per year for the past three academic year.
      • Contributions to education in EM or related field (number of conference papers, number of journal articles, initiatives to advance engineering management education – to include funded projects).
      • Contributions to practice in EM or related field (number of conference papers, number of journal articles).
      • Three letters of recommendation from stakeholders outside academe.
      • Other significant achievements of the graduate program(s).
       Judging Past President provides nomination packages to the Board of Directors. The voting members of the Board will select the winner of this award by vote. The winning program must receive a majority of the votes cast. A run-off vote will be taken if no majority occurs on the first vote.
       Past Recipients Founders Award – Graduate Recipients
       Nominate Nominate graduate program for the Founder's Award

       Founder's Award – Student Chapter SUBMISSION EXTENDED UNTIL JULY 22.

       Description/Purpose To recognize ASEM student chapter excellence.

      All active ASEM student chapters are eligible. Each of eight criterion are rated on a score from 1 to 10 with 10 being highest. The number shown in parenthesis provides the weighting of this criterion.

      • Quality of Submission (25%) – Nomination packets should be prepared by the student chapter leaders such that the packet are complete, comprehensive, easy to read and interpret, interesting, and visually aesthetic. It is a good idea to include photos documenting student chapter activities.
      • Active Student Participation (25%) – Provide documentation to describe active student participation in the chapter to include things such as the number of student members, attendance at meetings, training sessions and field trips, etc. Describe the student chapter leadership and list chapter officers.
      • ASEM International Annual Conference Participation (10%) – Identify the number of students attending the annual conference or other regional conferences. Describe the number of papers presented, participation in student competitions and nominations for the ASEM PhD dissertation award.
      • Projects in engineering management (EM) and related areas (10%) – Describe any projects in EM and related areas (e.g., technology or project management) completed as part of the student chapter, such as participation in a student simulation or facility layout competition.
      • Community Projects (10%) – Describe any community projects completed as part of the student chapter that supports the community, such as providing an engineering management solution to assist a women’s shelter or to assist with developing a bus schedule for a school district.
      • Faculty Involvement (5%) – Describe the number and extent of involvement of the student chapter faculty advisor as well as other faculty within the department to ASEM.
      • Support for the Engineering Management Profession (5%) – Document how the student chapter supports the engineering management profession such as assistance with recruiting students into the engineering management program of study.
      • Practice (10%) - Contributions to practice in EM and related fields (such as number of conference papers, number of journal articles, etc.).
       Nomination Process Past President solicits nominations from the active chapter officers and/or faculty advisors in May. Nomination packets must be emailed to ASEM headquarters by July 15. Award selection is made by August 1.
      Past President provides nomination packages to the Board of Directors. The voting members of the Board will select the winner of this award by vote. The winning program must receive a majority of the votes cast. A run-off vote will be taken if no majority occurs on the first vote.

       Past Recipients   


      Founders Award – Student Chapter Recipients

      Nominate student chapter for the Founder's Award

       Presidential Award – Section

       Description/Purpose To annually recognize ASEM section excellence.

      All active ASEM local sections are eligible. Criteria for this award include:

      • Section membership growth and demonstrated member participation.
      • Section member participation in the ASEM International Annual Conference.
      • Publication of technical papers and delivery of section or regional webinars, seminars, or workshops.
      • Other contributions to the field of EM or related fields for the benefit of the local section or regional members.
       Nomination Process Past President solicits nominations in May. Nominations are submitted by July 15 via the ASEM Online Nomination Form. Award selection is made by August 1.
       Judging Executive Committee selects the award recipient upon recommendation of the Past President.
       Past Recipients          Presidential Award – Local Section Recipients
       Nominate Nominate a local section for the Presidential Award

       Eschenbach Award for the Best EMJ Article

      By June, the Past President appoints a committee of at least three ASEM members who have published in EMJ. EMJ authors from the volume under consideration are not eligible to serve on the judging committee.   The committee will evaluate high-quality articles on the above criteria and make award selection by September 1.

       Description/Purpose  To annually recognize the best journal article published in the Engineering Management Journal (EMJ).

      All EMJ articles published in the previous year’s volume will be considered. The award winning article will:

      • Contribute significant extensions of EM or related concepts.
      • Have effective integration of analytical and management concerns as a primary premise.
      • Present a quality design of the study, collection and analysis of data as appropriate.
      • Make conclusions with broad application to a range of technical, production or service organizations.
       Nomination Process All EMJ articles published in the previous year’s volume will be considered.
       Judging The committee will evaluate high-quality articles on the above criteria and make the award selection by September 1.
       Past Recipients Eschenbach Award – Best EMJ Article Award Recipients

       Merritt Williamson Award – Best International Annual Conference Paper

       Description/Purpose To annually recognize the best conference paper published in the ASEM International Annual Conference (IAC) proceedings.

      All ASEM IAC papers are eligible. The award winning paper will:

      • Describe high-quality work.
      • Be significant and relevant to current issues in engineering management or related fields.
      • Present findings that are applicable to a broad audience.
      • Be well-written.
       Nomination Process All ASEM IAC papers published in the conference proceedings are eligible.
       Judging By mid-July, the Past President will work with the ASEM IAC Technical Program Chair to appoint a committee of at least three ASEM members. The committee will evaluate high-quality papers on the above criteria and make the award selection by September 1.
       Past Recipients         Merritt Williamson Award – Best Annual Conference Paper Award Recipients

       Merl Baker Award – Best International Annual Conference Student Paper

       Description/Purpose To annually recognize the best student paper published at the ASEM International Annual Conference (IAC).

      All International Annual Conference papers authored primarily by students are eligible. An award-winning paper will:

      • Be authored by student(s) as the primary authors.  In general, faculty authors should only contribute in areas such as style and advisory guidance.
      • Describe high-quality work primarily conducted by student.
      • Be significant and relevant to current issues in EM or related fields.
      • Present findings that are applicable to a broad audience.
      • Be well-written.
      • Be presented at the IAC.
       Nomination Process All primarily student authored ASEM IAC papers are eligible.
       Judging By mid-July, the Past President will work with the ASEM IAC Technical Program Chair to appoint a committee of at least three ASEM members. The committee will evaluate high-quality papers on the above criteria and make the award selection by September 1.
       Past Recipients Merl Baker Award – Best Annual Conference Student Paper Recipients

       Best Dissertation Award

       Description/Purpose To annually recognize the Ph.D. dissertation that makes the most significant contribution to the engineering management or related field.

      The award winning dissertation will:

      • Contribute significant extensions of EM or related concepts.
      • Have effective integration of analytical and management concerns as a primary premise.
      • Present a quality design of the study, collection and analysis of data as appropriate. Makes conclusions with broad application to a range of EM or related organizations.
      Nomination Process

      Each academic program nominating a dissertation will provide:

      1. A nominating letter not to exceed two pages in length.

      2. A synopsis of the nominated dissertation written by its author. The synopsis may not exceed 5 pages (Times New Roman, 12 point font) and should include the following:

      a. Problem addressed (1 page)

      b. The research methodology (1 page)

      c. The outcome of the research and its significance for the engineering management discipline (3 pages).

      3. Place the submission as one document into a “.pdf” file. Label the document: “ASEM-BDA – ‘School Abbreviation’ – ‘Author’s Last Name’ – ‘date’” (example: ASEM-BDA – MST – Jones – 29 June 2022).

      A packet that fails to provide the requirements as specified above will not be considered. The nominees that advance to the final review stage will be required to submit an unbound copy of the dissertation for dissemination to the judges. Download complete submission information at 2024 - ASEM BDA - Call for Nominations.pdf

      Nominations must be submitted to the ASEM Dissertation Award Committee Chair by August 16, 2024.

       Judging By mid-August Past President will work with the ASEM Dissertation Award Committee Chair to appoint committee of at least three ASEM members to review nominated dissertations and make the award selection by September 1.
       Past Recipients Dissertation Award Winners 
       Nominate Nominate dissertation for the Best Dissertation Award - Must nominate on the form AND submit packet as instructed.

       Engineering Manager of the Year Award

       Description/Purpose This award annually recognizes an individual who has made significant contributions to the advancement of engineering management.

      The ideal Engineering Manager of the Year recipient has:

      • A technical degree appropriate to the organization and the career path. This includes areas such as engineering, technology management, physics, computer science, chemistry, and similar degrees. 
      • A successful career record as a senior manager of a technical organization or corporation
      • Outstanding character and ethical values as demonstrated by career accomplishments and service activities.
      • Recognition for contributions to areas such as technical advances, professional societies, public service, and/or society as a whole.
       Nomination Process Past President solicits nominations in January. Nominations will include the nominee’s resume and a nomination letter discussing the candidate’s qualifications.  The letter will also confirm that the nominee has agreed to attend the Friday evening Annual IAC Awards banquet. Nomination packets must be emailed to ASEM World Headquarters by June 10. Award selection is made by July 1.                                    
       Judging Past President provides nomination packages to the Board of Directors. The members of the Board will select the winner of this award by vote. The winning program must receive a majority of the votes cast. A run-off vote will be taken if no majority occurs on the first vote.
       Past Recipients Engineering Manager of the Year Recipients 
       Nominate Nominate for the Engineering Manager of the Year Award

       Student Case Study Competition

       Description/Purpose Undergraduate and graduate engineering management student teams compete for the best case analysis presented at the ASEM International Annual Conference (IAC). The teams are provided an engineering management based case study related to the conference theme. They are given a minimum of four hours to analyze the case and twenty minutes to present their recommendations to a panel of judges.

      Eligibility of student case study competition teams includes:

      • Undergraduate students must be currently enrolled in an engineering management major or equivalent program of study leading to a bachelor of science in engineering.
      • There are two parts to the competition. The first held via Zoom and the second live at the IAC.  All team members for the first competition “Case Study Analysis” need to be present for the Zoom based proctoring session and the presentation of findings to judges held in Mid-September prior to the conference.  All team members of teams participating in the second session “Best Presentation” which is held live at the conference are required to attend the IAC as paid student attendees and must be available for the entire competition.
      • Teams can have no more than five members.
      • Schools may nominate more than one team.
      • Graduate Teams will consist of up to four full OR part time graduate members from any university that grants a graduate degree in Engineering Management or equivalent.
      Nomination Process Competition Chair sends out a call for contestants by June 30. A full-time faculty member from the team’s program must nominate team members. Nominations are submitted to the Competition Chair and WHQ by September 1.
         Judging The Competition Chair selects a panel of judges of at least five members, preferable with industry representation. Judges cannot be currently employed by or alumni of any school represented in the competition. The judges panel selects the best team based on the case analysis presentations.
         Past Recipients Student Case Competition Award Recipients

         Past Presidents of the Society Award

         Description/Purpose This annual award is given to the individual who served as President of ASEM during the past year. At the International Annual Conference during the “passing of the gavel,” a plaque is awarded to the outgoing president.
         Eligibility/Criteria Outgoing ASEM President
         Nomination Process Organized by the Past President
         Past Recipients Past Presidents of the Society Award Recipients

         William Daughton World Headquarters Service Award

         Description/Purpose This award recognizes significant contributions to the streamlining, enhancement, or improvement of the administrative or operational activities of the ASEM world headquarters.

        This award recognizes active ASEM member(s) for their contribution of time, effort, or implemented ideas that significantly enhanced, improve the administrative operations of ASEM, and/or supporting or enhancing strategic plan implementation including but not limited to:

          • Significantly improved software or conference procedures,
          • Enhanced methods to attract and retain membership
          • Enhanced society web and global presence,
          • WHQ administrative processes and procedures,
          • ASEM website and other communications,
          • WHQ office arrangements and accommodations.
             Nomination Process Executive Director solicits nominations in May. Nominations are submitted by July 15. Selections are made by August 1.
             Judging Nominations will be reviewed and selected by an Awards Committee comprised of the Executive Director, Associate Executive Director, and President.
             Past Recipients William Daughton ASEM World Headquarters Award Past Recipients

            Nominate person for the William Daughton World Headquarters Service Award                                                      Recipients of the award will receive an award indicating their contribution at the International Annual Conference and their names placed in the historical record of award recipients

             Paul J. Kauffmann Professional Development Leadership Award


            The award annually recognizes outstanding professional development activities to the Society.


            This award is given annually to an active ASEM member who has documented contributions to the creation, improvement, or expansion of profession development programs, certifications, or course(s) in the field of engineering management. The contributing activities must be related to current or near future professional development offerings by the Society.

            Eligible candidates must satisfy the following criteria for nomination:

            • ASEM member in good standing.
            • Actively hold one of the ASEM professional Certifications (See for current listing).
            • Service in a local, national, or international professional development committee activity.
            • Participation in the ASEM International Annual Conference.
            • Contribution to the creation, improvement, expansion, management, or delivery of courses, programs, certification materials, seminars, workshops, symposia, webinars, training sessions, or other activities related to professional development in the engineering management profession.
              Nomination Process

              Past President solicits nominations in May.  Nominations are submitted by July 15 via the ASEM Online Nomination Form. Award selection is made by August 1.


              Executive Committee selects the award recipient upon recommendation of the Past President.

              Past Recipients Paul J. Kauffmann, 2022.

              Nominate person for the Paul J. Kauffmann Leadership for Professional Development Award                                                  Recipients of the award will receive an award indicating their contribution at the International Annual Conference and their names placed in the historical record of award recipients.

              Cornelius Administrative Service Award

              Description/Purpose  This is the society’s premier award for exemplary administrative service to ASEM. This award recognizes 

                                                        contributions from an individual who supports the Society and the field of engineering management through                                           selfless service and responsiveness.

              Eligibility/Criteria       This is a periodic award given to an individual who has selflessly served the Society through sustained or exemplary

                                                       administrative contributions. This award recognizes contributions which improve the experience of Society

                                                       members and enhances the Society’s reputation. The person receiving this award demonstrates exceptional

                                                       service on behalf of the Society and encourages and supports others in doing the same.    

                                                       Nominations may be submitted based on contributions in the following:

              • Has a record of sustained or profound administrative contributions to the Society
              • Takes initiative and creates ways to achieve excellent results for the Society
              • Enables Society members to become better contributors themselves through responsiveness and action to requests
              • Interacts with Society leaders and members professionally and equitably
              • Projects a professional and friendly image of the Society in external dealings

              Nomination Process  As this is a periodic award, there is no expectation that it will be awarded annually. Nomination requests are due to 

                                                       the Past President by May 15. A nomination consists of one letter of nomination from an ASEM member and two 

                                                       letters of support, one or both from ASEM members.

              Judging                          Executive Committee plus the Chair of ASEM Fellows select the award recipient.
              Past Recipients           Angela K. Cornelius, 2023
              Nominate                     Nominate person for the Cornelius Administrative Service Award

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              Missouri S&T

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