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ASEM 2025 International Annual Conference

Powering the Future of Engineering Management

September 24th to 27th, 2025

The Grove Hotel, Boise, Idaho, USA
Hosted by University of Idaho

Submission Guidelines, Instructions, & Templates for
Authors, Presenters, Panel Hosts, Workshops, & Tutorials

Submission Site:

Important 2025 Dates for Authors

      Please see Conference Dates, Deadlines and Links for all relevant deadlines.

      Author Instructions

      Abstract Submission

      All abstracts, panel proposals, workshop proposals, and session proposals must be submitted directly at:

      No specific templates are required for the abstract submission stage. The abstract has a word limit of 250 words. The submission system cannot accept if the abstract is longer than 250 words. 

      Paper/Proposal Draft Submission

      Technical papers for peer-review should use the Paper Template for Peer Review (provided below after abstracts have been accepted), which contains both general instructions and formatting guidelines. Pay particular attention to the draft paper rules to ensure your paper meets the requirements for the double-blind peer review process. It is important to note that the time span between draft paper notifications and the final paper submission is relatively short; therefore, papers that do not comply with the conference paper standards during the draft submission are subject to rejection. Please note that due to the short turnaround time, paper submitted at this stage should be the final product.

      Panel session proposal should use the ASEM IAC Panel Details Template for the draft submission. 

      Workshops and tutorials proposal should use the ASEM IAC Workshop or Tutorials Details Template for the draft submission. Once the workshop or tutorial has been approved, you can update the abstract as necessary. Please be as accurate as possible as the details provided will be used to promote the workshops and tutorials and will be published in the conference proceedings.

      Second/Final Submission

      Technical final paper submission Once a draft paper has been accepted, authors should use the Final Paper Submission Author Instructions and Template to prepare their final paper submission (see template below), which will include the author information. All other formatting will remain the same. Copyright transfer will be required when you submit your final paper through ExOrdo.

      Workshop/tutorials presenters and panel moderators do not need to submit any document at this stage. However, presenters should login to the ExOrdo system to ensure that the abstract has been updated to reflect any changes, and the presenter's information and biography are correct in the ExOrdo system. 


      Templates for Papers for peer-review and workshop/tutorial/panel proposals. (Will be available after Abstract Acceptance Notification)

      • 2025 Paper Template for Peer Review: .docx, .pdf
      • Workshop and Tutorials Proposal Template: .docx, .pdf
      • Panel Session Proposal Template: .docx, .pdf

      The following template will be available once the paper-review phase is concluded.

      • 2025 Final Paper Template (For all authors with accepted final paper): [will be provided after peer review submission]

      Presenter Guidelines

      General: Technical Sessions (in-person and virtual) will be 60 minutes with 3 presenters per session. A Session Chair will be assigned to each session, any presenter can serve as Session Chair.

      Presentation and Q&A: Each presentation is 18 minutes including Q&A. We strongly recommend that presenter limits their presentation to 15 minutes and allow 3 minutes for Q&A. We request that you observe the time limit to allow other presenters equal amount of time to present their work. Please coordinate with your Session Chair on when and how they will give you a signal regarding your remaining time for presentation.

      Presentation File Upload: Uploading your presentation file to ExOrdo is not required, but strongly recommended. Please note that once you upload your file to ExOrdo, the file will be made available to other attendees. You may upload the file after your presentation, but no later than Sunday before the conference begins.

      Presentation Template: ASEM does not require the use of specific presentation template. However, we strongly advise that you consider the color contrast as well as the font size on your slides to increase the visibility and readability for other attendees.

      In-Person Specific Guidelines

      Presentation File: Please bring your presentation in a thumb drive to be loaded onto the laptop computer that will be provided in the room. The laptop computer will have MS PowerPoint. Please use PowerPoint (.ppt or .pptx) format to minimize any potential issue. Please note that even if you uploaded your presentation file to ExOrdo, you will still need to bring your file on a thumb drive, as it will be infeasible for the Session Chair to download the file from the ExOrdo system amid all the preparation that the Session Chair has to oversee prior to the start of the session.

      Logistics: Please arrive early to your room for the session so that the Session Chair can load your presentation and make sure that it works on the laptop computer. We recommend that you arrive at least 5 minutes before your session.

      Virtual Presentation Specific Guidelines

      Live Presentation: All virtual presentation presenter must present their work live, during the scheduled presentation time.

      File Upload: Even though this is optional, we strongly recommend that virtual presenters upload their presentation file to ExOrdo by October 3, 2024, to allow the Session Chair to download their file to be used as a backup in case the presenter's internet connection cannot support file sharing during the session.

      Share Screen: Presenters will share their power point presentation from their own computer when presenting. Please have your power point file already loaded on your computer when you join your session 10 minutes before the start of the session. Please do NOT use the “Share File” option in Webex. That is not the same as Share Screen where you can share your presentations. If you did this by mistake, the troubleshooting guide walks you through the process to undo it.

      Presentation Recording: Session Chair will check with your whether you would like your presentation to be recorded and made available on ExOrdo post conference. This is not mandatory, however, we do recommend that you allow your presentation to be recorded and shared, as most in-person attendees will be traveling during the virtual session, recording will allow them to view your presentation post conference.

      Logistics: Please arrive early to your Stage for the session and be sure to inform the Session Chair of your arrival. We recommend that you arrive at least 5 minutes before your session.

      Session Chairs Guideline

      General Guidelines

      • Each session will have three presentations that each get 18 minutes (15 minutes presentation plus 3 minutes Q&A). Please ensure that all presenters adhere to this time limit to facilitate “session hopping”. If they take the full time allotted (that would have included questions), we suggest allowing one question as the next presenter sets up. 
      • It's extremely important to stay on time for each presenter as well as the entire session as many attendees “session hop” for specific presentations of interest to them. To facilitate session-hopping and ensuring that all attendees can listen to the presentations that are of interest to them:
        • Presentation Order: It is important that you do not change the order of presenters published in the ASEM program schedule (unless it is absolutely necessary).
        • No-Show: If you have a presenter that did not show up to the presentation, please do not advance to the next presenter. During the 20 minutes allocated to the no-show presenter, you may open up the floor for more Q&A, or other form of discussion. If all else fail, remaining in perfect silence in the room until the time for the next presenter's time to present is also an option, though we do not encourage this.
        • Short presentation: If any presenter ended their presentation earlier than the allocated time, please encourage questions from the audience, or ask questions to guide the session. If all else fail, remaining in perfect silence in the room until the time for the next presenter's time to present is also an option, though we do not encourage this.
      • Using the information in the program (title, abstract), try to emphasize the theme in your session and how each paper contributes to the session when you introduce the speaker (if possible and if time allows). This is a “nice to have” not a “must have” (given the limited time). You should very briefly introduce each speaker - please keep this to a minimum. You don't need to worry about getting a speaker bio to read from. Given the limited time, we suggest just introducing the person, where they are from (country, institution), and their topic. If you do know them personally or do have brief information, you can add this, but again, keep it very brief to leave maximum time for presenters.
      In-Person Session Chair
      • Please be sure to arrive about 10 minutes early to your session so you can facilitate the process of laptop set-up, see if there are problems with the projector, etc.
      • Please bring your laptop with you for your session. We suggest putting the files of all presenters on that laptop (if they are willing). If not, and each needs to use their own laptop, we suggest having the next speaker start to set up while the previous one starts to answer questions. 
      • Please also bring a presentation ‘clicker/pointer’ if you have one. 
      • Try to meet each of your presenters (if you don't know them already) at the conference, sometime before the session or at the beginning of the session if they are present. Please remind them of how much time they have and agree on a signal you'll give them (so they can see you) when they have only 2 minutes left (for example).
      • Please make note of the number of people attending each presentation for your session – this is helpful to monitor interest in certain presenters and/or topics. Please also make note of any “no-show” presenters. Please return this information to the Registration Booth once your session concluded.

      Virtual Session Chair

      • Please be sure to arrive at least 10 minutes before your session begin so that the Stage Manager could give you the Host Control, and you could sort of any last-minute change with the Stage Manager.
      • Please download the presentation files of the other 2 (or 3) presenters in your session at least a few hours before your session begins, as backup.
      • Please review the script on asking permission to record each of the presentation and follow the script while you chair the session. It is crucial that we have the verbal permission from each presenter recorded along with their presentation. The script will be emailed to you through email.
      • As a note, a few of the sessions will have 4 presenters and will span 80 minutes instead of the standard 60 minutes. Please review your session to find out if your session is one with 4 presenters, and please plan accordingly.

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      ASEM World Headquarters     *     200 Sparkman Drive, Suite 2     *     Huntsville, Alabama 35805

      email: asem-hq<at>

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