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What are my options to complete the ASEM® EM Six Sigma Green Belt Certification?

There are multiple pathways to prepare for and to take the ASEM® SSGB exam. In all cases, students receive a one-year ASEM® student membership and electronic versions of the Engineering Management Body of Knowledge (EMBoK®), Engineering Management Handbook®, and preparation guides for the CAEM®/ CPEM® exam and the EM SSGB exam. A voucher for the exam is included in the price, but Minitab® is not.  See the note below for details on Minitab® licenses and access. 

Self-paced, online, on-demand UAH Course

This option provides access to the ASEM® EM SSGB Canvas learning platform and facilitator support.  The related materials include a one-year ASEM® student membership, digital EMBoK®, EM Handbook®, CAEM®/ CPEM® prep guide, EM SSGB prep guide, slide materials, mock questions, and access to videos.  

  • Individual Learner- Full UAH Course: This option is for individuals who want to manage their time to complete SSGB certification and desire the support of videos and a facilitator.  It is suited for a range of individuals including working professionals, graduate, and undergraduate students. Cost: $2000.00, plus Minitab® as needed.
  • Groups- Full UAH Course: For industry groups, project teams, or EM graduate or undergraduate courses, discounts from 10% to 25% are available for access to the UAH Canvas site. Depending on size and preference, a special section and facilitator (such as a trainer or faculty member) can be organized.
  • Partial UAH Course Access: This is a reduced cost option for individuals who have completed the CAEM®/ CPEM® certification and only require the DMAIC and Minitab® portions of the course to complete the SSGB. 

These links will take you to the ASEM® page on this course and to UAH.

Individual Preparation Materials

Some learners prefer individual materials and the self – study method.  This option provides all the materials available for the UAH online course except for videos and facilitator support. The related materials include a one-year ASEM® student membership, digital versions of the EMBoK® , EM Handbook® , CAEM®/ CPEM® prep guide, SSGB prep guide, slide materials, including mock questions.  

  •  Self – study preparation package: This includes materials and testing for the entire SSGB knowledge areas including CAEM®/ CPEM® materials. Cost: $599 plus Minitab® as needed.
  • Self- study package for those who are current as a CAEM or CPEM: This is a reduced cost option for individuals who have completed CAEM®/ CPEM® certification and only require the DMAIC and Minitab® segments to complete the SSGB.  Cost: $499 plus Minitab® as needed.

If you are a professional trainer or university faculty member with an interest in professional development of industry or academic groups, additional information can be found at this page.

Minitab® License Details

Minitab® software is accessible at most universities for degree seeking students and many corporations also have licenses available to employees.

  • 30-day free trial: For certification students who have time to dedicate to learning the analytical applications in the course, this may be a good option.  We suggest you complete the course videos, see the Minitab® examples (which are clearly illustrated with menu screens), review the Minitab® test prep guide, and then start your 30-day trial to verify your knowledge and take that portion of the test.·       
  • Academic Discount:  If you are a full-time student and your university does not provide Minitab® for its students, you can access a 6 month ($32.99) or 12 month ($54.99) rental.
  • Six-month license: Through special arrangements with ASEM® and UAH, a six month license is available for $550.  For students enrolling in the UAH online course, this can be purchased on registration.  For individual preparation, contact for details.

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