For initial CKPro certification and subsequent recertifications, the following requirements and procedures apply: 1. Trainers and instructors seeking to become a CKPro must hold a valid and current certification credential(s) as specified in the table. Each individual trainer must hold the appropriate certification(s), even if employed by a CKPro organization.
2. The ASEM Director of Professional Development and Continuing Education will review applications for CKPro status and determine eligibility, in consultation with appropriate ASEM Board of Directors members or designated PD/CE committee. The first 3 steps (a,b,c) are in the application form linked below.
3. Certified Knowledge Providers represent ASEM while providing ASEM-sanctioned training. Therefore, CKPros are subject to periodic audits by ASEM to ensure it is conforming to ASEM guidelines and procedures.
4. Certification of Providers and Trainers is at the discretion of ASEM and may be terminated by the Director of PD/CE, President, or Executive Director at any time based on:
5. Provider and Trainer Recertification at the end of the initial period or subsequent periods is valid for two years and may be granted by the Director based on the following:
6. Maintaining and continuing without lapse in ASEM membership:
Consequences for violating the agreements may include: revocation of use privilege, revocation of e-badge, putting on the “do not train” list, requirement to “make good” by removing posted content, notifying those who have the content to remove/destroy/discard any such content. | Please visit our sponsors: |
Meet the Requirements? |
Certified Professional in Engineering Management® For experienced professionals seeking to validate skills, knowledge, and experience in the management of technical operations. | A unique professional development solution that focuses on the application of Six Sigma to engineering and technology management. | Certified Associate in Engineering Management® For young technical professionals seeking to establish credentials in preparation for early technical management or supervisory assignments. |