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Membership Benefits

The society provides many benefits to help members grow in their careers. One of the most important aspects of ASEM membership is your opportunity to network with Engineering Management Professionals.

As an industry practitioner, faculty member, or student, ASEM membership provides unique opportunities to collaborate with a global network of engineering management professionals, and direct access to the most up-to-date discussions of the engineering management field.

ASEM's offerings are outlined by career development category below. Members of our engineering management society have access to the most current discussions on engineering management methodologies, processes, and approaches to the challenges of technology management.

Build Your Professional Engineering Management Knowledge and Skills

  • A Guide to the Engineering Management Body of Knowledge (EM BoK), 5th edition. The fundamental repository of concepts, principles, procedures, and practices in the field of engineering management. The EM Bok forms the basis for the engineering manager professional certification examinations. This document is available to members (free of charge!) for electronic download. The hard copy is valued at $75 or more on Amazon or similar book sites.
  • Engineering Management Journal (EMJ)
    EMJ is a top tier, refereed journal in the field of engineering management and its impact is continually growing. As a member, you receive the latest EMJ Issue every quarter electronically. This is an excellent way to stay abreast of the latest study and thought in engineering management. EMJ is available for free to professional members.
  • The Engineering Management Handbook
    A valuable desk reference for the working engineering manager, covering all important aspects of engineering management. Members can download the electronic version for free. The hard copy is priced at $50.
  • International Annual Conference (IAC) Proceedings
    Members have access to the proceedings of the last 10 years of ASEMs International Annual Conference. This archive contains hundreds of papers on all areas of engineering management. The papers are indexed by ProQuest on its ABI / Informs database. Papers are free to members but downloads by the public incur a cost for each paper.

Keep Informed on Current Engineering Management Trends

  • Practice Periodical
    On a quarterly basis, the society publishes the practice periodical covering current thoughts and insights, book reviews and similar topics, applicable to working engineering managers.
  • Continuing Education Programs
    Access to society webinars is available free of charge and the archive of past webinars is also available for viewing by members.
  • Newsletter
    Members receive a monthly newsletter that updates everyone on society activities, conference planning and other key organization information.
  • Network with Engineering Management Professionals
    Membership in the American Society for Engineering Management as an industry practitioner or faculty member provides unique opportunities to collaborate with a global network of engineering management professionals and direct access to the most up-to-date discussions of the engineering management field.
  • Attendance at International Annual Conference
    The annual conference is the premier annual event for meeting and collaborating with leaders in the engineering management field. Members receive reduced rates for conference registration.
  • Participation in Domain Interest Groups
    Based on your special areas of interest, the domain interest groups allow members to contribute articles to the Practice Periodical, work on updates to the EMBoK, the EM Handbook, and submit papers to the conference.

Professional and Personal Benefits

  • Career Connections
    Through the society web page and other communication methods, members are notified of job openings in the engineering management community.
  • Professional Certification
    ASEM’s professional certification program is unique in our field and provides for both entry level certification (Associate Engineering Manager) and certification of experienced technical managers. Members receive reduced cost for preparation materials and as noted above receive electronic versions of the EMBoK and the Handbook for free.
  • Personal Growth
    Professional society membership provides both tangible and intangible benefits to help members to achieve and surpass their career goals.

Log in to your ASEM member account to claim your membership benefits HERE.

Join today and start enjoying your membership benefits immediately.

ASEM is the preeminent society for engineering management. Be part of a growing society that speaks for the engineering management profession.

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email: asem-hq<at>

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