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Job Announcements

Professor/Associate Professor and Chair of Graduate Technology Management and Entrepreneurship (TME) Department

The Katz School of Science and Health -- the largest graduate school at Yeshiva University with1300 master's and doctoral students -- is seeking a founding chairperson to develop and lead the Graduate Technology Management and Entrepreneurship (TME) Department. This is a tenured or accelerated tenure-track position, with the option for an Industry Professor appointment for candidates whose CVs are primarily industry oriented or applied. The TME Department will include a planned graduate program in Technology Management and Entrepreneurship as well as existing programs in Biotechnology Management and Digital Marketing and Media, which enroll 350 graduate students annually. In addition, the founding chair will have the opportunity to develop a technology incubator in collaboration with the University's Innovation Lab.

The Katz School currently has research partnerships with several industry and academic institutions, including Standard and Poor's, Audi Motors, Einstein College of Medicine, and the Renal Research Institute. The school's current STEM programs are experiencing an exciting period of rapid growth in collaborative research (within and outside of the University), grant activity, industry partnerships, and technology innovation as well as a significant expansion of highly qualified master's students from across the U.S. and internationally, who have the option to pursue doctoral degrees in our PhD program or elsewhere. To find out more, click HERE.

Tenure-Track Assistant; Tenured Associate, or

Full Professor in Industrial Engineering

The University of Idaho College of Engineering welcomes applications for a tenure-track assistant, or a tenured associate or full professor in industrial engineering. Successful applicants must have a Ph.D. degree in industrial engineering, engineering management, or a closely related field and develop a strong research program funded by external grants from federal and state agencies as well as with industry.

Successful applicants will have a strong commitment to teaching and advising undergraduate and graduate students and lead the development of new undergraduate and graduate degree programs in industrial engineering to complement existing programs in engineering management, technology management, and engineering technology. Expertise in advanced manufacturing, AI and machine learning, or industrial robotics/automated systems are especially invited to apply.


For further information contact search committee chair Larry Stauffer, Professor of Engineering Management, or Madeline Sticht, Administrative Specialist

Senior Director, Architecture & Engineering
(In-House Design Studio)

Build your career while building NYC schools and impacting the learning environments of the next generation!

The SCA’s Architecture and Engineering Department is responsible for development of scope, design, and construction documents for new school buildings, additions, lease conversions and renovation work of existing schools for New York City’s 1.1 million students. Our projects are intentionally and thoughtfully designed; positive impact design is at the forefront of all our projects. Our In-House studio is a multidisciplinary practice that is responsible for designing some of the largest and most complex schools in our 1,500+ school portfolio. Our other two studios manage external consultants from design inception to completion. Our three studios are comprised of talented architects and engineers who are driven to deliver high quality custom designed, sustainable, and resilient public schools.

Come and join our continuing journey towards design excellence in the K-12 education sector. Be impactful!

Click HERE for more information.

Interested in advertising your job openings with ASEM? 

  • The cost to run an ad is $100 per month, with each additional month being $50.
  • Please send ads to in a Word or PDF format. They may be created with color and contain logos.

The Job Announcements on this page are for information purposes and are not the expressed views of ASEM nor does ASEM endorse these.  All Job announcements should be Engineering Management related.  If your company has a job available in an Engineering Management field and you would like to post your announcement here, please contact ASEM WHQ.

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