This page is currently under construction.ASEM Logo and Brand GuidelinesThe logo and identity graphics for the American Society for Engineering Management (ASEM) ensure consistency in branding. The ASEM World Headquarters expects all users to adhere to the proper usage of the approved color palatte and logo representation to ensure brand consistency.
Official logo files for the American Society for Engineering Management may be downloaded from this page. By downloading any of the provided logo files, you are agreeing to use the logo in accordance with the standards outlined on this page. You must obtain approval from the ASEM World Headquarters prior to printing or purchasing any products using the ASEM logo or name in custom artwork that references the society in any way, this includes items for an event, T-shirt, pamphlets, flyers, awards, etc. Standards for ASEM mark or logo use by affiliated organizations (Student Chapters, etc.)
ASEM Media Style GuideThe Visual Identity Standards/Official Brand The ASEM logos are the only marks approved for use by the ASEM and affiliated communities. The ASEM Media Style Guide should be followed across all media. The ASEM logo, and publication (EMJ, EMBoK, Handbook, CAEM, and CPEM, etc.) marks are the only marks approved for use. No other marks or logos may be used to represent ASEM and its programs without receiving prior written approval from the ASEM Executive Director. Visual Identity StandardsNo other marks or logos may be used to represent ASEM and its programs without receiving prior written approval from the ASEM Executive Director. ASEM LogoThe logo consists of a stylized rendering of the letters ASEM and the words American Society for Engineering Management. The elements of the logo are in specified relationships to one another. Do NOT attempt to create your own version of the logo or alter the arrangement of the existing elements. The area immediately around the mark must be free of type or graphics. The spacing and the relationship of the elements in the mark may not be altered in any way. Send requests for logo files and questions about logo usage in your projects to The ASEM logo may not be combined with other logos in any way. In instances of multiple sponsorships or co- branded programs, logos must be kept separate Contact for more info. Color PaletteIn establishing ASEM’s identity, color is important. By using the official colors in a consistent manner, ASEM’s identity is strengthened. Official colors for ASEM are blue and white. Refer to the color formulas here for all printing and web-related color specification. Blue matches 3015 C. More color information may be found at Please send questions about ASEM’s color palette to
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